Tuesday, October 28, 2003


the world doesn't seem to be going so well right now. what in the hell is going on? my parents' new house is covered in ash, my dad's office was within one block of being burned down, my aunt and uncle had to evacuate their house in scripps ranch, my friend got her car stolen, our PA got a speeding ticket, my other friend got his heartbroken, it's horrifically hot for so-called 'autumn', my eyes hurt from the smoke, americans are still dying in iraq, the chargers suck, john got a jury summons, and i lost my job. i'm beginning to think that someone's doing something wrong somewhere. there must be an evil force at work here. the only bright light at the end of the tunnel that i can see is christmas. or i guess all the things that go with christmas. in fact, i think i'm going to start listening to christmas music right this second to cheer up. and before i know it the malls will be decorated and the cheesy tv xmas movies will start coming on. this will cheer me up, right?

countdown: approximately 25 days until KOST 103.5 goes to all christmas music

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