Top/Bottom 10 of 2007
God this has taken awhile....I was hoping to see a few more movies but who am I kidding. Without further ado....
10 Worst Movies of 2007
(I'm only doing 8 because while I disliked "Atonement" and saw 15 other movies, I wouldn't say any of them were terrible.)
8. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Expensive crap. Longest acid trip scene ever in a kids movie with Johnny and the crabs on the ship. Not good people.
7. Michael Clayton - I know it's "good" but nothing happened and George Clooney acting like a smug George Clooney is not acting at all.
6. Gone Baby Gone - I wanted to like this movie because I want Ben Affleck to find a career that doesn't involve acting. It was actually fairly well-directed but, with the exception of the amazing Casey Affleck, everyone over-acted and it was poorly paced and put together.
5. Simpsons Movie - God, who was I kidding? That I could sit through 90 minutes of this unfunny stuff? I was wrong.
4. Dan in Real Life - Oh yeah, Juliette Binoche, Dane Cook, and Steve Carrell would make an amazing love triangle.
3. Spider-Man 3 - I'm tired of these movies so I hope they stop making them. More specifically, I'm tired of Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst.
2. Sweeney Todd - So perhaps my problem is that I dislike the musical. But I didn't know the musical going in so I didn't know that the music sucked and was depressing. Then add Tim Burton and his all grey sets and his dark lighting and poor Johnny Depp doing a one-note performance and you've got just a depressing muck of a movie.
1. Blades of Glory - Tired. Of. Will. Ferrell.
10 Best Movies of 2007
10. Into the Wild - It made it on to my top ten only because the locations were absolutely f-ing gorgeous.
9. Charlie Wilson's War - Actually, not that great of a story/movie as a whole, but the performances were so great and so entertaining to watch. And no one writes witty dialogue like Aaron Sorkin.
8. Waitress - A small little movie that made me smile.
7. 3:10 to Yuma - Solid picture. Solid performances. Solid pacing, solid score, solid everything. Mature, professional, lovely. Quite enjoyable.
6. Bourne Ultimatum - I'm a bit biased but I still thought the editing was kickass and the train station scene was brilliant.
5. Juno - Not nearly as good as "Little Miss Sunshine" (not sure why I'm comparing them), but it was funny and touching. I laughed, I cried....good times.
4. Knocked Up - I will see anything in the whole world that Paul Rudd is in. This is no exception.
3. Lars and the Real Girl - I know I liked this more than a lot of other people but damn if it wasn't charming. Granted, Ryan Gosling can do no wrong in my mind, but if you can get a sex doll to move me more than any other movie, you've done something right.
2. There Will Be Blood - Tough...I almost put this as number one but I decided it didn't quite make it. Daniel Day Lewis is awesome of course...and I think the scenes in the church with him and Paul Dano are some of the best things I've seen in years. PT Anderson is amazing and clearly has more range than I ever gave him credit for.
1. No Country for Old Men - Josh Brolin makes a comeback! Brand from Goonies has grown up and he's pretty great in this. Obviously Javier Bardem is scary as hell. Everyone is good. Go Coen Brothers!
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