Tuesday, October 07, 2003

top tens

so, as i said when i first started this blog, i really don't have much to say. i don't need a website at all...i don't feel the need to speak out about issues i feel passionate about…if there are any. so, i must say that at this point, i feel like i'm beginning to run out of things to say. i know what you're thinking, how is this possible? well, it is. or maybe it's just today when i feel tired and bored at work. in my boredom, i happened to be looking at other blogs and noticing this one girl who makes top ten lists all the time. now, i'm not saying i'm COPYING her. i'm certainly not. i'm just saying that i may borrow that idea from time to time to use it to fill my blog. is that so wrong?

so to kick it off, here's a top ten list which i realize won't really interest the males out there. but i think that the males should read it and think about their own top ten for the comments section. ready?

top ten celebrity crushes

10. ron livingston (okay, not hot, but he's funny!)

9. harrison ford (as han solo and indiana jones ONLY though...i'm not that sick)

8. ewan mcgregor (and he can sing!)

7. jake in 'sixteen candles' (his name's too hard to spell but he's rad)

6. brad pitt (so cliche but so true)

5. colin firth (when he finally smiles in 'pride and prejudice', man. ladies, you with me?)

4. eric bachmann (i know, i know...he's balding with a pot belly...but man can he rock)

3. joseph fiennes (have you seen 'shakespeare in love'?)

2. viggo mortensen (if 'lord of the rings' doesn't do it for you, then 'a walk on the moon' will)

1. christian bale (the moment he started singing badly in 'newsies' all those years ago, i knew he was special)

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