Wednesday, December 01, 2004

baby it's cold outside

no, really. it's really really cold. and not just for southern california. it's like an actual cold. the past couple of mornings when i've gotten up early to go for a jog, i'm had to wear gloves. you heard me...GLOVES. that's because the time that i didn't wear them this week, my fingers were frozen and numb and i thought the pain was going to kill me. then yesterday morning i get up and go by all of these front yards. it looked like someone had spray painted the front grass. i thought, man, we really do live in a bad neighborhood...who would spray paint the grass a greyish white? then i looked closer. yup, it was frost. the grass and weeds all had frost on them. they were frozen. being a southern california girl, i was completely fascinated. so i stopped, took off my gloves, and proceeded to rub the ice off of some grass. it was lovely. and of course, in the grand tradition of me being cold, when i got dressed this morning i put on some long johns (thermal underwear?) under my jeans. then i put a long sleeve shirt on under my sweater. and then a scarf. and then a jacket. and actually, i'm not that cold at work now. sure, my portable heater is turned on full blast, but i might just be comfortable.

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