Sunday, July 17, 2005

obligatory soft focus shot

summer 2005

this summer has been a busy one...and it's left me with no time to blog. which i find unacceptable. weddings, honeymoons, vacations, fun, and drinking have left me blogless and that has got to stop. but it's all almost over. i got married, went on a honeymoon, and was in speakmemory's wedding. all of these events deserve long blog entries with lots of pictures. Pictures of awful dancing, inappropriate facial expressions, best man speeches, tropical beaches, and fancy dresses. Plus descriptions of crazy PQ Posse members, drunken nights, and amazing Wisconsin (and Illinois) people that may or may not have blogs and who may or may not read this blog. and all of those pictures and descriptions will come in the future (i am currently very excited about all of my taryn and dan pictures and can't wait to blog about their wedding) but tomorrow i'm off to new york for my last vacation and hurrah of the summer. sex in the city with one of my close girlfriends (and bridesmaid). but, until then, here is a taste of what's to come.

Posted by: lagirl on Buzznet
obligatory soft focus shot
See? I really got married. I even got all dressed up and let people take pictures of me in soft focus. It was an unusual day.

Posted by: lagirl on Buzznet
the groom plus me
And there was a man there to play the groom's part. And he made a very very fine groom.

Posted by: lagirl on Buzznet
And then there was a honeymoon in the Cook Islands. It's next to Fiji and Tahiti. Very small. There's much prettier shots of trees and ocean and hammocks but I had to prove that we were there. Though this could be us in San Diego.

Posted by: lagirl on Buzznet
taryn the ghost plus bridesmaids
And here I am with Taryn the beautiful bride and her bridesmaids. There were FAR more embarassing and funny pictures but I figured I should start with a standard one.

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