Thursday, April 17, 2008

How do you say "bowling" in Czech?

Turns out the Czech word for "bowling" is "bowling". Awesome.
So last night the Czechs took me out for an evening of cuba libres (my rum and cokes) and bowling. Five Czechs and me. A few things... One, bowling in Prague is just like bowling in the States. In fact, I believe they were American machines because the electronic keypad was all in English and the screen lit up with "Strike!" and "Spare!" exclamations when something good happened. But whereas American alleys have about 40 lanes, this place had 6. And it was in the back of a restaurant. Oh, the major downside was the cigarette smoke. Haven't been in an indoor confined space with this smokers since...well, never. I hate that it makes me feel pretty sick and nauseous. I don't even mind smokers. I just wish it all had to be done outside.

It was my first outing to a very "Czech" place and purely local neighborhood. Zero tourists and zero English spoken. It was quite an ordeal to get shoes in my size. Apparently I have huge feet (which I know) but I was trying to tell the guy that I could just wear the men's shoes and that seemed to shock him out of his mind. Unacceptable. But I bowled a pretty sweet game. And it turns out it is easier to understand Czech when people are drinking because they get wayyy more gregarious and body language is always easier to read. I made them remember to speak English so I could interject my witty sayings that you've all grown accustomed to. All in all, an awesome evening.

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