Wednesday, August 06, 2008

facebook...or how i spent my last few weeks at work

It's common knowledge that the last few weeks/months on a movie are pretty banal. Shooting has finished and the office staff is left to "wrap". Which means that we box up all the paperwork, make pretty binders, return all the furniture, etc. What that really means is that you do nothing all day for 4 weeks and then work the last week. Not doing anything may sound pretty sweet but it's actually damn excrutiating. When we were busy we were working 7A to 9P and the day would go by in the blink of an eye. Now I come in at 9A and I'm dying by 1:30. Luckily I've discovered Facebook which has helped me get through the days. I resisted for so long but damn if it isn't the devil's website. There's so much going on and so many different ways to waste time. I still don't understand why you'd be "friends" with someone you don't know, but maybe that's why I don't have 550 friends. I need to try harder. Friends, where are you?

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