Friday, July 25, 2003

kev's birthday fun

thank you to the exceptional group of people last night who joined me for sushi and drinks in honor of kevin's birthday. who knew that you can save a lot of money at azami by mainly buying sake and filling up on that, rather than expensive things like 'albacore' and 'yellowtail'. who needs that stuff? and thank you very much for introducing me to the joys of the "mind-eraser". this wonderful drink/shot is a tasty blend of alcohols that somehow culminates in a chocolate soda taste. yum! yummy but also dangerous. mixing sake, captain and cokes, and a mind-eraser isn't a good thing. though it's apparently better than mixing sake, sapporo, guinness, and a mind-eraser. a big SORRY goes out to a certain birthday boy who happened to get sick last night. i hope he had fun though and enjoyed himself.

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