Monday, July 28, 2003

start your betting...

is it wrong to bet on your friends? more specifically, to bet when your friend is going to puke? at a party the other night, a bunch of my friends witnessed our female friend getting more and more drunk. of course, who could blame her with all of the jello shots, coronas, margaritas, and chocolate martinis that she was downing. now, we all know that this girl is a puker. i've seen her puke on a pool patio, in a strange shower, and various other places. don't get me wrong. i've done my fair share of puking. but around midnight at this particular party, she seemed to start exhibiting the signs of upcoming pukedom. the signs were all there... the shoes came off, the staggering started, the glasses got lost, the voice got louder, a random hookup occurred and the hair got messed up, and the eyes started looking heavier and heavier. so we started taking bets. tom had 1:00, i took 1:45, and john took 2:00am. he had more confidence in her than anyone else. the point isn't when she vomited. the real question is whether or not this was wrong. since i'm generally a sarcastic and bitchy friend, i say BET ON. good times. but then again, i'm not very nice.

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