Wednesday, September 24, 2003

i was born in the wrong month

i told you that i don't really act like a sagittarius. that's just not me. well, not ALL of me. so i took this handy little test over at emode and found out what my true sign is:

A Capricorn!
It's sooo you!

The planets are very complex. Maybe your astrologer will disagree, and maybe a few tendencies will vary, but overall you're a CAPRICORN. You've got that earth sign quality. You're a steady and stable person with serious determination. Your ambition will guarantee you the status and authority that you desire. Your symbol is the goat, which suggests your ability to butt your way through any obstacle in your path. You have a practical and organized style. And you never miss a chance to pursue your dreams. Capricorns have the tendency to put strong emphasis on money and prestige, and they can be easily swayed by such values when making decisions. But as a Capricorn, you're a complex individual who could make a great leader and role model for others. Capricorns are noted and most admired for their unwavering steadiness.

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