Monday, November 28, 2005


yeah, it was thanksgiving so it's around the time where you're supposed to say what you are thankful for. a week ago i almost posted a list of things that suck. it was that type of week. and it would have been a long list but i held off. who needs to hear that crap anyways? now this week i get to do a list of things that are good. which is much nicer i think.

things that are good

1. one of the most vivacious, happy, awesome couples around was finally united and i got to bask in some of their glow.

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2. my parents made one of my favorite meals on sunday for my early birthday. it was prime rib and yes i love meat and no that is not gross.

3. the chargers won their game in overtime and i got to see it in a crowded san diego bar. moondoggies in P.B, but still.

4. see number one.

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5. christmas music is all over the radio. l.a. kost 103.5 is in full effect and i was happy to hear that san diego had a radio station dedicated to christmas music as well.

6. yogurt shoppe in pq. always thankful for that.

7. lots of card playing with my family. not a lot of winning but a lot of playing.

8. a few good movies... FINALLY. ones i can recommend? "pride and prejudice", "jarhead", "good night and good luck", "capote" and "walk the line".

9. four words... PUMPKIN. CHOCOLATE. CHIP. MUFFINS. they seriously might be one of my favorite desserts of all time.

10. this lady. this lady right here. she'll hate this picture but it's an awful picture of me too. i made it all "artsy" which i think forgives the ugliness of the picture.

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11. booty basement.

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