Thursday, July 20, 2006

burn victim

i feel the need to post just to get the huge pictures below out of the way. but what to post about... hmm... well, there was two days ago when i drove past the cast and crew of "entourage". then there was yesterday when i busted open a parking structure door to the sidewalk and hit tim meadows from saturday night live. he was nice about it though. oh, and there's the fact that i got a dark tan on my vacation but parts of my arm are peeling so i have white splotches all over and i look like a burn victim. which is a horrible thing to say because i've met real burn victims and i'm a bitch for comparing myself to them. oh well. at least my office is 50 degrees so i'm forced to wear long sleeves.

in the meantime, i look forward to an EXCELLENT weekend with speakmemory. if she can survive the 90 degree heat, zero air conditioning, and extremely loud ghetto blasting stereos in my neighborhood, you'll know that she's a trouper.

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