lake powell 2006
i adore lake powell. no one i know has been there so they can't share the joy and excitement with me, but, trust me, it's amazing. a gorgeous huge lake north of the grand canyon that straddles arizona and utah.
the best thing about lake powell is the total relaxation. there are no phones, no clocks, no mirrors, no makeup...just a bathing suit, shorts, and all the time in the world. you go to sleep after dark and you wake up with the sun. it's hot but when you get hot you dive in the lake and you're cool again. at night you sleep on the upper deck and look at the billions of stars.
here's us exploring tiny canyons and passageways with our jetskis. the rock walls would rise hundreds of feet above us and we'd be in a tiny passageway only as wide as our jetski.
i'm not a water skiier but i do love jet skiing. LOVE it. maybe it's because i'm so not a risk taker and would never do extreme this is about as extreme as i get. but let me tell you, there's nothing as exhilarating as going 50 mph over glassy smooth water. or going 50 mph over huge waves and having the entire jet ski fly through the air. i love it in an embarassingly huge way. the kind of way that when i'm flying i get this huge grin on my face and can't help but think that life is amazing.
of course, the week was also great because i got to spend time with my cousins. if this picture isn't the raddest thing you see all day, i don't know what would be.
how much do you love my facial expression?
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