my new NEW favorite YouTube sensation
Okay, so maybe not YouTube because there's no video, but Christian Bale's tirade on the set of "Terminator". Much has been said about it and lots of fantastic remixes and mash-ups are out there. But wanted to blog about it because a) he is one of my long time favorite crushes of all time and b) this doesn't phase me. I heard about this when it happened last year from some crew members. I thought they were exaggerating. They were not thank god because now the internet has some awesome stuff for all of time. I still love Bale (though recognize the heinousness of the Batman rasp) and I'm not THAT surprised that he loses it on the DP. (Who I've met and who IS an amateur douche.) The most illuminating part of this story is what an f-ing hack the director of "Terminator" is. I mean, anyone who legally changes his name to McG and is famous for directing "Charlie's Angels" is clearly not someone that a "serious" actor will respect. But when he lets Bale rip into his DP for 5 minutes without intervening? Lame. Does not have any control or rein of his set or actors. As far as the verbal abuse? Yeah, it went on for too long. Bad Christian. (Though hysterical. Have you seen this site that isolates each and every awesome sound bite?) But I've heard worse. Yesterday my producer lost it so bad the entire floor of 30 employees stopped and listened in silence and this guy tore our studio exec a new one. (And he's one of the nicest guys around.) We joked we should make our own mash-up. Maybe we will. After we're done making this amazing masterpiece.
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