Tuesday, March 17, 2009

more thoughts on television

A new show premiered last week called Kings. I was intrigued because it stars Ian McShane of "Deadwood" fame and we all know he's awesome. After a two hour premiere I can honestly say I'm... intrigued. Not sure I'd say I loved it but it was definitely interesting. And fairly ambitious. It's not quite HBO quality and depth but I'm pretty shocked NBC agreed to make this show. It's a biblical analogy with a lot of God-talk and a confusing alternate non-America setting. It debuted to crappy ratings which is sad because it's a show that deserves a chance.

Oddly enough, I'm slowly becoming a fan of Jimmy Fallon. When I first heard he was taking over Conan's late night spot, I was quite concerned. And he is everything I thought he was. But the thing is, he's soo...earnest. He wants to succeed and somehow he magically comes off as likable. I want him to succeed. Not sure how this happened, but I'm now rooting for him.

Only one more episode of Battlestar Galactica and I'm already sad. And the season finale of Big Love is coming up. If you're not watching that show, start. This season has been spectacular.

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