Wednesday, March 17, 2004

st. patty's day (or as i like to call it, madness kick-off day....and other updates

so a couple of things,

1. i'm not wearing green. i don't think i own anything green. maybe one sweater. and it's too hot for that. but i really thought that i had gotten old enough so that all my co-workers wouldn't ask me "where's your green!?" umm, yeah. apparently people haven't gotten over that and still like to say it even though they're 40 year-old executives. i even got pinched.

2. my brackets are driving me crazy! it's madness, baby!

3. i had a weird dream last night that nicolas cage was my boss and that he was very friendly to me and my family. i know it was only because the last thing i saw before i turned off the tv at midnight last night was 'gone in sixty seconds', but still. yuck. at least he's italian i guess.

4. i was talking to my boss' babysitter today and she said when she asks the gay son (the 9 remember) what he wants to do, he usually exclaims, 'go to the mall and look at the shoes on sale!'

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