Saturday, April 10, 2004

sd updates

the important things first....
my parents' house has some semblance of a pool and jacuzzi. they've got five olive trees, a camp fire pit, and some concrete steps. they've got a patio trellis or something and they've got the beginnings of a fountain. and of course they've got a sport court. some sort of monstrosity on the side of the house where you can play tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc. the court is huge, the backboard is huge, and the fake weird colored flooring of the court is cool. my dad was ran into someone on the golf course and the person said, ''re the one with the sport court.' apparently it's very "gosh" to have such a thing but then again, my family's pretty much the beverly hillbillies of santaluz.

and on a more trivial note, john and i met with the 'wedding assistant' at the church we want to get married at. we walked thru the sanctuary and dressing rooms and everything else without lightning striking us down. the woman seemed to fall for our 'we're a very nice, wholesome couple' routine. it could have been my nice skirt but more likely it was john's complete transformation as he shaved, wore a button-down shirt, nice dress slacks, and fancy shiny black shoes. of course, after the meeting we drove one block from the church, parked, and changed our clothes in the car like heathens, but i don't think that should affect our getting the church.

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